@long_john86 said in IRON HEART WAYWT - 2024 EDITION:
Lecturing at uni today. Full IH uniform.
Iron Rangeryou have the same bug as me when posting photos on the forum, I usually edit the post, take a screenshot of the photo and republish it, it usually works
@long_john86 now your photo is visible in the quote
It took me a while to warm up to this shirt but I’ve changed my tune and it always makes me happy to have some color in spring. Plus the madras is fantastic
White’s @Denimhead-0 we're boot buds today! -
@SKT Styling! White’s Brothers
@urrrrgrrrr love the matching converse
@Luijim78 hi matey. Oh dear I didn’t realise I had a problem with the image posting. Are they not appearing in the thread? All looks okay from my end. Thanks for letting me know
What was the bug that you had?
Posting+screenshotting post+reposting every time sounds like a pain in the arsebut dedication nonetheless!
@Graham thanks for the sizing help I think we nailed it.
777 XHS: Hilariously stiff on arrival, hysterically stiff after initial wash and hang dry. Stiffest bitches since the 22oz paraffin coated duck IH-2634s of yore.
@mclaincausey can’t get a better fit than that. Congrats man, looking forward to seeing how they evolve for you. Also, you may have inadvertently pushed me into my first pair of XHS
@long_john86 yes but immediately as soon as you posted them, after a few hours they were visible correctly, so forgive me
. I wrote to you because yesterday and this morning I had this problem, I always had to edit the post because as soon as I uploaded a photo all you could see was a question mark. Maybe it was simply a problem with the internet connection or the server that was loading the images late. Sorry again now everything seems perfect
@Luijim78 thank you for letting me know! I’ll make sure to double check once posted in the future
Much appreciated my friend