Beer and bbq -
@J-IV only been to Nick’s there and dug out loogies there and had em elsewhere. Love Tomales, good to hear of another spot for next time.
@mclaincausey you’ll totally dig this spot. You’re like a few yards away from where it all began. Kind out there but totally worth the trek
not exactly today but the past few days , enjoying the twisty roads of Northern Thailand with IH body armour
This is more of a "what have you been doing lately" type of post. But, I was there today. So, it qualifies. Work, work, work is the theme. A few weeks ago, I started a new project. Removing and replacing a metric shit ton of piping, in a chocolate factory. Most of the work is in a tank "farm". Temps are kept north of 100°F.
@neph93 , this may bring back fond memories of happy hours past. A certain serial killer once worked here, in the '80s...
@goosehd , to be honest, I never had any interest in those details of the story. For months, it dominated the news, here. After the first few days, I stopped watching. As of today, I have yet to watch a show, or read any publication about him. I saw more than I needed to, in those first few days. I don't know that he didn't have another job, either. It is no longer Ambrosia Chocolate. It was bought by another company. But, it is the same facility he worked