Eyeglasses / Sunglasses Discussion
I tried on a pair of @Papa-Nui's new Coral Cruiser sunglasses at Pickings and Parry in Melbourne.
They look good, I'm not sure how well my prescription would get on with them, though.
They look good on you, @Graeme. The frame would probably suit a tinted prescription or Transitions lens.
@danyhearty if I get a pair, I'll probably put the Transitions Drivewear lenses in, which go from a light brown to dark.
I need to check whether my prescription would work too.
Could anyone recommend me a quality leather pouch for protecting sun glasses? I have a hard case, but it unfortunately it a bit small and I have to leave it open when at home and when I'm on the road or outside, I have to keep my pair in my pocket when not wearing them. So I would like to get some handmade leather pouch that goes along with me. Any recommendations?
Last summer holidays I discovered "True Vintage Revival" (TVR Opt) in Åhus, Sweden. They were unfortunately above my budget but they seem really, really nice.
@the246guy not a leather pouch, but I have this hard case and find it able to accommodate larger JMM style glasses without issue. The seller is a good communicator and the product quality is top notch.
Ship John makes leather cases, but they may be bulkier than the “pouch” you’re after….
My research led me to this one: https://darksails.fr/products/black-leather-glasses-case
Ship John also looks interesting!
@the246guy if you’re looking for a handmade pouch ask @gouki74 he makes amazing leather stuff and is fully customized to your liking. Then again a hardcase is thr best protection not only for the glass but also to keep the overall fit of the frame etc
@goosehd not in leather. We have several hardcases. We spend a lot of time by fixing the frame to each and every nose/face. This is a very precise work and to maintain that for as long as possible a good sturdy case is a good help especially if you carry it around for a lot. In the end it’s the customer who makes there decision but since glasses is a made to measure item you want to protect it. That’s why i advised to go custom so you can build your own tank of a case if you don’t wanna go ‘hard’
Hi all - I’m contemplating getting a necklace loop to put my glasses on while I’m not wearing them. I’m finding I’m needing to take them on/off quite a lot and putting them in and out of the case so much is a bit of a faff. Does anyone else use one (and would recommend one)?
I wear a 21” silver ball chain with some GAH pendants. They make a glasses loop but I never have any problems just dropping it right on the chain. I also switched to progressives to avoid having to take them off all the time. Nowadays I have some nearsightedness so no need to take them off much anymore.
@Giles Bassol Optic out of Barcelona... Almost 150 Euro less than in DK, 1 day delivery UPS and checked that they are a listed dealer...