NBA (Basketball)
@flannel-slut @october-rust
That was a hell of a game! Wolves came out hyper energized and just looked so hungry. It was awesome to see Jackson light it up like that though to get the nuggets back in the game.
AE just brought the heat though.
All in all, it was a stellar performance on both sides. Nugs bench kept them in the fight. Tomorrow got me nervous. -
We need Murray to stay out of whatever funk he was in first half to have a shot. MPJ is playing out of his mind but all great things come to an end. Hopefully we pick the split tonight and make this a series!
I’ll be doing my part tonight. Hattie was so crestfallen that she couldn’t come to a game with a friend and me that overwhelming guilt let to a playoff game family night
@mclaincausey hell yea dude!!
@mclaincausey love it!!
Really hope the nugs can control their frustration better. It’s getting the best of them. -
@Mizmazzle they’re just completely outclassed. The length and effort of the Wolves is a problem.
Man, I’m not going to come on here and talk shit because I still think the series goes to 6 or even 7, but I can’t believe this is my Timberwolves team. Minnesotans aren’t used to having anything this good when it comes to sports.
@mclaincausey Start them early. Have you taken her to an Avs game yet? Hockey is by far my favourite sport to follow
@Tago-Mago of course! Hockey is my favorite team sport perhaps save for motor racing. I go to Denver University (reining champs and winningest Division I program) and Avs games regularly.
The Stars are also a tough matchup but I said that about the Jets too, so hoping we can look like the Wolves in this one.
@october-rust you’ve got a team to be proud of man!! They’ve taken a juggernaut in the Nuggets and reduced them to infantile play by comparison.
@mclaincausey out of respect for your well-reasoned aversion to upvotes I will refrain from giving you one even though I want to
lol no skin off my back either way. Go Avs!
Hope this MVP gives the team a spark. Sadly, sounds like there is a lot of internal strife that is coming out in the media about the discord of the team. Not to mention Murray acting like a spoiled child who had his lollipop taken away and throwing shit on the court.
I’m not optimistic, but then I never felt great about this series. An MVP on your team has felt like a playoffs death sentence for several years.
I’m thinking Nugs get one road win next game this series and that’s it. I’m here to support them through it all but they haven’t been themselves this whole postseason and even being themselves it would be a tight 7 game series against these Wolves. Could never afford to spot them two home games.
We will need some front office magic to get over the hump next year but this abysmal postseason does nothing to diminish Jokič or his achievement.
@mclaincausey yeah. I agree with all of that. They’ve had a few nice bursts of dynamic play. But far from putting together 4 quarters of championship play.
@mclaincausey that’s a hell of a stat