Ask Giles Anything
@Hajduk-0 Here is the previous answer for the hip question:
“Nor will we be adding a hip measurement…In 10 years we've been asked for it 3 times. Plus the way we run the compare sizing option, we try and make sure that the same measurements are on the same line so that the compare is easy. If we add hip measurements to new products going forward, we screw that up, so the only alternative is to go back and measure every size/model and update all the measurement tables. 1) we do not have time 2) we do not have all the size/models of extinct items to compare.
And guess what? If you email us and ask for the hip measurements of a few pairs of jeans, we'll happily provide those.”
@goosehd @Alex and @Giles
I really appreciate a quick and concrete response. Thank you
This for hip measurement I'm sure to beg you for a favor when I buy the next jeans, I really don't like it when they're baggy.
For size 37 I thought it wouldn't be made but I wanted to try because , for the accident I'm just between 36 and 38
Anyway, It's always a some 38 with smaller sizes. I just have to be patient, hehe. -
@Hajduk-0 as previously mentioned the guys at IHUK are more than happy to measure the stocked items to find the one piece that fits your requirements best. Just message them at and they will get it sorted
Coffee or tea?
Best I can do:
Why do so many builders refuse to wear high-waist jeans?
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Why do my all black non selvage jeans not have lined pockets or tucked belt loops?