@Bailey Nicely done - looks good!
@Denman-John much appreciated man
@Mizmazzle That's sick! One sitting?
Pure awesomeness ~ does this make us Hanoi dragon brothers?
@Denman-John damn straight bro man!! Walking out into the streets of Hanoi after this 12 hour sesh at 2 am heading back to my room was a darker side of Hanoi I hadn’t seen before. Anyone who’s done that I’d call a brother!!
@Mizmazzle Damn, that's endurance.
Got a heart and a snake yesterday from Adam Sage
@Graham love that studio, they’re so welcoming
Today's tattoo: atlas moth on my dome.
I was pretty nervous for this one. Turned out to be easier than chest, ribs, palms, buttcheeks, spine, etc. Not really so bad at all pain wise, mean I felt it, but got through it pretty chill. Next up is a pair of monarch butterflies on my head, finishing a 10 year old tattoo on the side of my head (black mamba) as well as a bumble bee or two and a few small flowers. Likely cherry and pear
. All on the head. August 1st is next appointment. Stoked.
wow, looking awesome Stevie ! Always thought it must be super painful, great that it wasn’t bad as expected
I am surprised that it seems to be no problem to work as a teacher and having that much ( visible) tattoos, that’s very cool!! Don’t think it would be possible here in Germany, at least not with tattoos on hands, face and so on .