End of Season Sale - 15% off - June 21st to June 24th
@BalticBob your order is confirmed :the_horns: thank you!
I picked up a black kersey. Took a while but not as long as some people have experienced, really just a couple minutes to load each step. The key was definitely just waiting it out.
Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds….
@indigostiff I’ll raise you
I was able to get two separate orders to go through with a little patience. Big Buck and diamond waist bag - I’m tapping out….
strong Canadian internet
weak Canadian dollar -
it smoothed out last 5 minutes, payment was very smooth
forgot to add a comment for the p2p messurement on the black tee, any idea how to add afterwords ? -
Longest it’s ever taken me to check out lol but I got what I wanted! 274 and some new 888s
@Yamanunu email shop@ironheart.co.uk and we will add your requirement retroactively
@AdamJ Will do, thanks
@pechelman said in End of Season Sale - 15% off - June 21st to June 24th:
until i remembered about big bucks...
Ooooh, yeah...
- checks site * * *
Sadly, none in my size.
What a day to get one's annual bonus and pay review on, and not be able to buy oneself a leather shirt
Scored some sweet slubs! Gonna be a looong weekend trying not to get anything else!
Order confirmed. Indigo Wabash vest and Ihsh-295-ib. Wanted a vest for the longest time. Sized up due to the length and knowing I'll be wearing it over some thicker layers. Congratulations on a relatively smooth sale!