@WhiskeySandwich I got the 9060 from the anniversary special of Red Wing Munich. I feel they are a little more snug around the toes because of the flat box so if you need space I would go half size up fron Iron Rangers. But my IR are on the edge of being a tiny bit to small. If yours are roomy you should be good with the same size.
I wear: IR 9.5, Moc toe 10, Work chukka 10.5 (could do a 10 but the pointy toe is little narrow then)
But my feet are wide, especially the right one
I wear same size as my mocs and IR’s
NBD - 2006 Road King w less then 4k miles
@Denimhead-0 Is that now yours? Did you keep the Triumph? It's beautiful.
@Jett129 yes, just picked up today. May need to sell the Triumph, hoping to keep both
@Denimhead-0 Awesome Road King and I love the fishtails. Been thinking about putting a set on my 2003 Road King. Ride it in good health!
@Denman-John said in Motorcycles:
@Denimhead-0 Awesome Road King and I love the fishtails. Been thinking about putting a set on my 2003 Road King. Ride it in good health!
You as well
@Denimhead-0 awesome! One of my dream bikes. Ride safe
@Denimhead-0 they would look great next to each other.
@Denimhead-0 woah! Good find with that low of miles.
@Dmart They sure would. Beautiful ride
Took my Guzzi on a 120 km run (each way) this morning to a mountain town, Samaipata. Beautiful curvy road! It isn’t running smoothly, especially at low rpms. Thought that may be due to old gas (she sat at the dealer, brand new, for 27 months before I was able to ship it home). I filled her with new gas and added a Lucas Oil ‘injector cleaner’ and hoped that may sort out the hiccup. No luck. I’ll ride through two tanks of gas + cleaner and see what happens. If nothing, we’ll start messing with spark plugs and later, injectors.
Anyhow, the ride was totally enjoyable. And she is a nimble bike on tight curves!!!
Stopped for coffee and “empanadas de queso y guayaba”
@motojobobo Amazing
@motojobobo beautiful bike! That a V85tt??
@FlavourFade yes sir ! Same as @jimcasey ’s, different colorway.
@motojobobo said in Motorcycles:
@FlavourFade yes sir ! Same as @jimcasey ’s, different colorway.
Got to say I dig the McDonald's styling on yours. I went with the gray and black with the eighties decals because the price was right, and don't regret it, but can see the attraction of yours.
Hope the low revs issue gets sorted. Can see why you thought bad fuel might be the culprit - 27 months is a long time. How many kms had the dealer put on her before you took ownership?
today I was on my way to a local bike meeting near my hometown with my 1988 Evolution Heritage Softtail Classic. I bought it in 1991 in the US and was crossing the US from the West to the East coast and brought the bike to Germany. This was one of my best travels I ever had. The bike was pimped 10 years ago and since 1991 I never had any troubles with my bike. It runs and runs and runs….
The bike meeting was great, many beautiful bike and a Münch 4 TTS (originally with a car motor). Biult between 1973 and 1979 in Germany, 100 PS, top speed 244 km/h!!!!! Today incredible expensive, around 100.000 Euro! -
@Marc2706 your bike is absolutely perfect man