American Football (NFL)
With the start of the NFL season about an hour away we have no less than 3 of our prognosticators in on tonight’s game with @Matt staying loyal to his Ravens,I think @Oaktavia is trying to invoke the elusive reverse jinx by picking the team he hopes looses,and @steelworker picking The Chiefs just to piss off the aforementioned Ravens fans. This was the AFC Championship game last season,could very well be the AFC Championship game this season. There’s only one outcome that will make @skt and myself happy. Good luck to everyone!
It’s finally foozball season boys!
Would love to play along….
I’ll take the (Boy I Love Losing Superbowls) Bills over Arizona
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot Glad to have you,welcome aboard!
It all came down to a Likely TOE! I'm not even mad, we played well last night and I look forward to this season. I know a lot of hot air is being blown around the internet about refs, but it would be cool if we didn't see so many dang flags. Just let the boys play. It would have been nice if the commentators got the chiefs d out of their mouths once in a while too.
Finally got to watch the game. I think they’re the best two teams in the league and wouldn’t surprise me if they met again in the AFC Championship game. If they played 10 times I think each team would win 5, truly. Refs gotta calm down…same story every year it seems. Fun game to watch for sure and looking forward to Sunday’s games
@SKT Not sure what's going on with the Ravens. Lamar puts up 400 yards of total offence,and should've won that game. He missed Flowers wide open in the end zone. The Chiefs defense was gassed,and if that TD had stood Harbaugh was going for 2. Also doesn't look like they knew what to do with Derrek Henry. For the record,they've played The Chiefs 6 times and have 1 win. This is a much better team than they faced back in January. They had them at home,they were the number 1 seed. That might've been their best opportunity.
@Matt said in American Football (NFL):
Thanks man. I’m glad I checked in for some words of consolation.
My Mom used to say if you’re looking for Sympathy it’s in the dictionary between Shit and Syphilis.
I almost forgot that @Mizmazzle is rooting for his wife’s hometown Eagles tonight. I’m going to have to pay attention because of all the unusual days that the NFL has games scheduled for. Good luck tonight.