IHSH-397-IND - 21oz Sashiko Work Shirt - Indigo
This shirt is now available on the Japan site and most sizes are already sold out. I'm guessing it will be available outside of Japan within the next week or two. I was all set to get the orange slub flannel but now I'm gonna have to wait on that one if this is releasing very soon. I was hoping these were gonna drop further apart since they are the only two items I want to buy for this season.
Looks like typical work shirt sizing, too.
@Nobunaga same boat. I'm over here looking what else I can toss on eBay real quick. These upcoming items are hot like the fires out west.
@pechelman said in IHSH-397-IND - 21oz Sashiko Work Shirt - Indigo:
Please keep the red embroidered w on this.
@Mizmazzle Yep it's definitely gone. On the Japan site the model is wearing the shirt with the red W but it is probably one of the samples as the product images don't have it. Also, the IH Japan staff blog has images of some of their employees modeling the stock they got in and those don't have the red W either.
Wont keep me from buying it, but I love the red W. I am really hoping the pattern is better than the lighter weight shirt, I dont want to miss this one.
@Mizmazzle I don’t think so.. Just nice to see some additional shots and a glimpse into how it fits. We’re getting close dude!
@Mizmazzle a decent amount, but not enough that you can sleep on it
So is there a red W or no?
@Denimminer The photos we have so far are from the only model we have seen, the sample.
Seems Burg und Schild ist stoking this one soon, will you guys get it for the party?