Sell me your favorite football team!
@AdamC Solskjær was my hero after the '99 champions leagues final! In hindsight, maybe that why I lost interest in football, subconsciously I knew it had peaked, and that nothing would ever be as exciting as that game...
I also remember getting an award at school for a poem I wrote about Andy Cole, and reading it out loud in an assembly
Only two times I've been invested in football since was the run up to Leicester's Premier League win/subsequent week long party in the city, and a random game I went to see in Hanoi, Vietnam where there were roughly 5 red cards, 10 ish goals, 2 fights and the crowd stormed the pitch after the game.
From what I understood, this was just a regular mid season game with no real stakes, and everything that occured was totally normal.
View from my seat at Saint James’ Park, also know as the Cathedral on the hill
@Megatron1505 there are rules in place to stop anyone from becoming the next Man City? Is that to level the playing field so that nobody gets to that level, or so that Man City stays at that level and nobody can reach them?
Also, you've caught my attention. Newcastle United sounds like good candidate. Hmmm...
@AdamC This sounds like some top tier football! The Chicago Bulls in the 90s were a thing of legends as well. I'm not even a basketball fan, but there was an undeniable energy around the Bulls in the Michael Jordon years, and it's still hard to believe that anyone was that good.
@Buckeye glad someone else understands the pain and sadness.
@seawolf totally get it. As bad as my hometown team is, I have a hard time supporting. Shoot, Atlanta United is doing just as poorly. Leeds my chosen non-American team, is down in the Championship fighting the good fight to get promoted back to the PL.
@seawolf like the article @Alex posted says, it’s super complicated and it’s more than a little politically motivated by the traditional powers (who amassed their fortunes before the rules came in), and those with a vested interest in the Premier League as a brand.
That’s my view anyway, others may (and probably will) disagree.