IHSH-399-ORA - 12oz Slubby Heavy Flannel Check Western Shirt - Orange
@derek111 yeah man! With the mustard highlights in it, I’m thinking my IHG-081-BRN will look MINT.
Expected delivery is next Wednesday, but will be a while before I get my paws on it. Until then I’ll keep coming back here to get my fix
Awesome collection!! Could you name a top 3 in your rotation? -
@John-Galt It really helps to see that I am not alone with my shirt collection problems!
@pjroo33 Hmmm - that’s a tough call, I like them all. However, I would say that last winter I probably wore the Anny (332), Purple Rain (269), and the black herringbone (335) the most. I’m sure this winter will be different. Although I must say that the two best fabric flannels I have are the 209’s which totally flew under the radar when released but that 9oz herringbone for those two shirts was imo the best flannel fabric done during my tenure with IH. I’m hoping IH does a revisit to this fabric at some point in the future.
@tody yeah, it’s quite the rabbit hole and have the same issue with coats and boots. The wife has been great about it even though I keep taking over more and more of her closet spaces. She has however suggested that we may need to soon upsize to get some additional closet space. Good thing those interest rates are starting to come back down haha.
@John-Galt that’s epic!
Good stuff! That 209 is very intriguing. Might have to keep an eye out for one. Think the 399 will crack into the rotation?
@John-Galt DaYUM!!! That is quite a marvelous collection home boy!!!
@Mizmazzle yeah - I’m typically a somewhat stealth forum member. I’d be embarrassed to post a picture of my coat or boot closet. My wonderful wife tells me I need help. She’s always right haha.
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That looks amazing!!! -
@Mister_Brue gawd!!! While I’ve been admiring this shirt I’ve become comfortable knowing it’s going to pass me by this time. And I WAS ok with that…until now! Your pics just ravaged my heart strings!
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@Mister_Brue haha. It’s ok. I’m a masochist.
Did you take your normal size in this shirt?
@Mizmazzle I've been telling myself it reminds me of Burger King trying to get over it. I still want it .
@Denimminer mmm flame broiled goodness!!
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