Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour
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@denim-dawg said in The Iron Heart Forum 15th and the Iron Heart 22nd Anniversary Party:
Amazing party! Keep the envious happy pictures coming!!
Btw… we are TOP HEADLINER on Norwegian BBC right now!
https://www.nrk.no/tromsogfinnmark/trendy-a-slite-ut-egne-klaer-1.17053072Rock on! @denim-dawg
This is what a TourJacket can be!
And yes, how is the party going on @neph93 @endo @Tago-Mago ….?
Picture is from @Mister_Brue wearing the IHJ-120-IND - 12oz Wabash Chore Jacket - Indigo . -
I need a script of your interview in English please, or just a digest in three sentences!
Scroll back to the start of the Wbbidashery Tour in May 2023.
Where is this jacket at the moment?
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My man!!
Jørn Bjørn bathes in beer to wear out his clothesWorn and shabby work clothes are the latest fashion. It is so in that the clothes can be bought with stains and holes.
The trend is in good taste with actor at Hålogaland Teater, Jørn Bjørn Fuller-Gee.
For him it's a hobby to wear out or fade
their clothes. To get a good fade, Fuller-Gee may put in more effort than most.
He bathes with his clothes on in beer.And he makes sure that they can go for a ride in bad weather.
- When it rains, it's great, then I get on my bike. Then they become perfectly moist to mold to the body.
That's what Fuller-Gee tells us on Weekend Morning Saturday.
- I have also been in a hurricane simulator in Japan, he says.
I think it's about security
To give one's clothes a sign of use and aging, or FADING patina, is a popular trend. The clothes are to be seen on the catwalk.
- Fashion's most important task is to reflect the present.
That's what fashion editor in KK, Ida Elise Eide Einarsdóttir, says.
She also sees that the interest in wearing work clothes outside of work is trendy.
Eide Einarsdóttir believes that this is because people are looking for something safe and stable.
- Because in a world in crisis, I think that many, both designers and consumers, are looking for a safer haven. They want something stable, and in many ways that is what work clothes represent.
The fashion editor emphasizes that this is a trend that has been seen before, and which will become popular again later.
So there's no reason to throw away your clothes when fashion takes a step forward.
The clothes are of good quality, so they are made to last. The clothes are made to be used and often become nicer when you wear them with a patina, she says.
Personalize the clothes
Ingunn Grimstad Klepp is professor at the Consumer Research Institute SIFO. She emphasizes that not all clothing can withstand so-called patination.
But she has the sense that more people have fun and makes the clothes personal.
- We are in a situation where clothes have been mass-produced for a long time. It is a global production, and very similar clothes are produced. Patination is a way of making the clothes more personal, she says.
Fuller-Gee agrees that his hobby is all about personalizing the clothes.
But for him the patination is about much more than making the clothes look cool.
I have made friends all over the world who do the same thing. Clothes bring people together, quite simply.
Everyone must wear clothes! If you can get hold of clothes that make you go out more, and that make you not take life so seriously, then it's great fun, he says, says the actor.
(jørn Bjørn Fuller-Gee finds great joy in creative ways to give his clothes marks and stains)
HI @Aetas . Living relatively close to each other, @Cutlasshound and I were attempting a face-to-face handover. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to align our availability. I'm shipping it out to him today
Is The Wabbidashery with you @Cutlasshound ?
@Aetas Hey chaps,
I do indeed have the coat. Very kindly delivered by @jerkules with some delicious beers.
Sadly the coat is too small for me to wear practically. Will take some pics during the next few days and will then ship on to the next wearer (who I presume is you @Aetas - In which case PM me).
Beautiful jacket and - other than a pair of @Giles shorts - the first time I have seen the IH fabric so faded.
The Round One of this great Wabbidashery Tour, which started in May 2023, is nearly complete.
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I will not be taking part. @louisbosco is next...
tbh, this isn't really my size. but I'm willing to give it a go. just not sure if it'll be worth while. but if you all think it is, I'll give it a shot