Thanks homie, that’s our cold brew set up, it’s Called Kyoto. it never touches hot water, so cold water up top. All weighed out, water and coffee. Takes about 16-18 brew(slow drip every 3 seconds or so) so we make it everyday and stock it up kegerator for our cold brew and our nitro. Super strong ice coffee, I don’t really drink it anymore. Stick to oat cappuccinos lol. I got your bag, roasted today. I’ll get to the PO Friday(day off) -
@meatmarketdenim1 Man I want to try one now!
Cheers dude.
We used to sell a at home one Kyoto, and we also had at home siphon set up. but haven’t had them in stock last couple years, was kinda pricey and think cheaper on Amazon -
Albuquerque had tons of BB stuff since that’s where it was set. This one’s from here…
Excellent!!! Looks like the perfect fit!
Fits like a glove, super stoked on it man. Going be well loved/worn thanks again. -
@meatmarketdenim1 it suits you perfectly my friend congratulations
2526V, 33od, Tanner Goods, 19L, Viberg
@flannel-slut that AA sweater is a beauty.
I’m watching out for sale opps on them; already missed out on a Division Road olive one.