Holiday Traditions
@Oaktavia I've had my wisdom teeth removed separately when they came through. Local anesthesia every time. First time was 9 am after seven nights on shift at the hospital, which meant I basically fell asleep in the chair. Every time has been "let's see how this one will come out, oh there it is already."
As for plans, my being half-English makes it easy, because we can open presents on Christmas Eve at the in-laws and Christmas Day at my parents.
Plans have been the same ever since my wife and I have been together.
23rd - drive to the in-laws
24th - make the wife and in-laws happy by attending church, then saure Zipfel (bratwurst cooked in a sour broth) with sauerkraut, then presents
25th - goose with potato dumplings at the in-laws for lunch, then drive to my parents for presents round 2 followed by turkey for dinner
26th - food coma
@Tago-Mago said in Holiday Traditions:
goose with potato dumplings at the in-laws for lunch
I don't know if I'll be able to make it on the 25th, but I will try.
@twin music to my ears! That is exactly what I want to happen.
@Tago-Mago the Zipfel sounds awesome. I might have tried something like that when a German friend came to stay in the states for a while. She made some awesome food, whatever it was.
Making the wife and in-laws happy by doing things we don't want to do gives us points for later. I like earning those!
@dinobarnesberlin That is awesome!!!
@dinobarnesberlin BROOOO!
@endo Wishing you a very Happy Birthday And a Happy Holiday season.
Good luck with the surgery @Oaktavia I find going under to be a magical experience and I know others who find it emotional... bit like tripping maybe?
Clara and I driving for France today, drop off Chicken with family before heading to USA for Annapolis, New York, Arizona and Las Vegas. Lots of miles to come and looking forward to seeing family and friends.