Jordanscollected’s Hobby Farm
Amazing @jordanscollected looks absolutely idyllic
@jordanscollected spectacular stuff. Looks amazing
@jordanscollected That photos really seem to capture the beauty of that place. I'm no expert on photography, but the first is a great composition. I absolutely love the symmetry in that photo.
We added 2 new furry family members to the farm this week, both girls. Hecate (black) and Artemis (grey/orange). We haven’t had any signs of mice in the barn yet but with the weather getting colder it’s bound to happen.
Hecate is super playful and comes around when we are in the barn, but Artemis took off the moment she was put down and we hadn’t see her in 3 days. She is currently hiding in the pallets under the hay but she is getting food and water so the wait is on for her to get comfortable with us. She was found in a dumpster behind a gas station so it doesn’t surprise us that trust will need to be earned.
Also, I’m lucky the IHV-24 is Cordura because those claws are serious
Well done @jordanscollected ! Be patient with Artemis, she’ll turn out to be your primary mice-controller.
@motojobobo That's a great thought. She may be the protector of the barn while Hecate is just a playful cat.
@jordanscollected and you’ve probably already planned for this but I would recommend they both get spayed or you will unintentionally have a cat farm before you know it
In other farm news, Artemis has come out from hiding but it still very skittish. Neither of us have touched her yet, but she at least shows herself more often.
Winter update from Nightshade farm. A white Christmas turned green after a couple warm days, one with a lot of rain. The ducks and chickens were staying mostly in their enclosures but are feet over feathers to get out and forage for eggs and bugs, seeds and slugs.
The horses are back on pasture for at least half the day and full of energy.
Some dense fog has provided a pretty backdrop to what has been a mild winter this far. MN was over a month behind recording its first 1” snowfall.
@jordanscollected I’d really love to meditate under that copper pyramid too. That’s amazing!
@Fadez thanks Adam. A friend of our built it for us. Many people took turns sitting under it and all said they can feel a vibration when under it. I can too and I’m not big into the energy stuff. We use copper as well inside to help the indoor plants.
Living the dream brother. Happy for you and your family, looks like the life to me!
We were saying hi to the neighbors horses this weekend and we could hear an Arc coming from the electric fence. We dig down and found a crack in the wiring causing the issue. Our horses offered their services if needed of course.
We ended up replacing the whole line that goes under the gate, digging the trench a bit deeper.