IHSH-292-IND - 18oz Vintage Selvedge Denim CPO Shirt - Indigo
@weftyarn thanks man, very helpful.
This is probably my favorite IH piece so far. Amazing. I’ve only worn it twice, but it’s mind boggling how quickly it conforms to your body and develops ropey creases in the arms. I immediately started getting compliments at work from customers. One of them asked me if I had styled my hair differently because they liked it. Nope! Just magical shirt casting a spell!
Any reason why the sleeves are longer on this particular one than other CPO’s? Don’t suppose they are likely to be shorter on the restock? Only reason I ask is have the chance to get a new XL for £225 but sleeves are longer! Not sure to go for it or wait. Those that have one, do they shorten with wear? Tia
@goosehd thanks goose. That’s what I was thinking
@Gavin666 I’d jump on that deal at £225 new!
@Buckeye only issue is sleeves 27.75 for an XL
@CosmoSix5 me too
@CosmoSix5 and @davidwalker restock should be around April/May time
@JoshC Will these be available in the Iron Heart Stores in Japan? Curious as to what is exclusive to IHI vs IHJ
@Dagobah_Days this model is an IHUK desgin
@Alex I see. So assuming Japan won't be stocking then?
Recent look
@Yoprst great photography. The lighting looks fantastic in these pics. Kudos. Your shirt looks really nice. This likely will be my next denim shirt.
@Boit Thanx for your comment bro, the shirt is really 200% worth buying. As to the photos IH doesn't consider them good enough to appear on their IG pages except for one #myironheartdenim despite my useless attempts to post them everywhere as an unpaid advertisement for them
2/9 @2pm would be a great restock date/time for these. In a perfect world
@Yoprst Sorry to hear that.Wish I could help you out but I got no pull here.