White's Boots
@ZackB Thanks, so happy with them. The patina / indigo transfer is very nice
these 350 cutters came in yesterday from @EastWest
@Denimhead-0 well the 350’s I ordered during BF sale didn’t actually take the 14-16 MTO time. Pleasantly surprised when I received notice Monday that they shipped. 1st wear yesterday. You were right - Tabacco Waxy Commander is a killer color.
@dwaynelum y’all are killing me with these waxy commander 350s
@dwaynelum perfect combo man.
@bluemantra breaking in well! And yep still quite happy w the fit
@dwaynelum They are my favorite boots at the moment and I have quite a few boots . You will be happy.
New boots from division road collaboration!
@bluemantra Beautiful
@bluemantra these are awesome! I've yet to dive into the world of boots and been eyeing whites the last few weeks, will go 350 cruiser for first pair I think but I love the thicker sole on these
@Ikeaparty it's quite the rabbit hole! Division Road has some pretty awesome White's collaborations. These are just awesome in person.