@goosehd Raising the next generation of denim heads 🫡
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot fuck yeah Little-Cuffs-To-Be
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot He looks like he’s ready to take off!
@Danimal506 hahaha, yup! I’m fucked
@chillmonroe love a good storm
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot puttin’ the IH Storm Rider to use
@chillmonroe Hell yea dude! Welcome to the Denim Dads thread hahah
@Matt I guess everyone’s experience is different and that’s totally valid. Speaking for myself, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me
Got a ninja turtle pizza party planned tonight. We do them like once a month. Makin’ pizzas from scratch with my boy 🥷
Parent here, five “kids” total. My daughters are 11 and 16, step kids are 15/17(girls) and 22. Lots of estrogen around me.
@northsouthdenimguy dang dude you are IN IT
Party preppin’ w my sous chef