Planning to get some Boss Wesco custom boots built soon; anyone had custom boots built with Wesco before and anything to note or look out for?
I own two pairs Wesco Boss boots. One pair is brown, the other pair is black. Although I usually prefer brown boots, my black pair is my favourite. It is made from silicon tanned fire resistant leather and has a really cool dull matte finish.
I bought both pairs of boots at http://www.bigblackboots.com. Ron Belanger who owns the store is a great guy, with a lot of knowledge on Wesco boots. Ron still orders the Boss boots with the original "bump" toes. I don't think you can get the bump toes at the usual Superfuture approved stores. Ron ships all over the world.
looks a bit girlish to me…
Barun I would offer this; if you get suede wesco's and plan on wearing any more box fresh IH jeans beware that the indigo will stain the top of the boots, sadly. However on the upside I would stick to black or dark brown in this style as they look great. I am ordering a couple of pairs one will be that model the other the boss.
Barun I would offer this; if you get suede wesco's and plan on wearing any more box fresh IH jeans beware that the indigo will stain the top of the boots, sadly. However on the upside I would stick to black or dark brown in this style as they look great. I am ordering a couple of pairs one will be that model the other the boss.
Simon, I have run into this problem with my Iron Rangers. They are now almost a tan and indigo camouflage from my jeans. It is a good thing to keep in mind, I may actually order them with the shaft leather and the rest rough out (as pictured)
I definitely don't think they look girly but if you were to see me, I don't think girly is something that would come to mind.
Me and G against the world on these I guess! Thanks G (and IJ)
I think the size and/or angle of the pic is the only thing that might make these look a bit "girly" to some. Personally, I kinda like them, too. I doubt WESCOs could look anything other than badass.