Ship John
Someday Graeme! Someday…
A couple of extra Kristofferson's dropped onto the site - still a medium available
@Luijim78 From the web page
"We had a few left over!!!!! Very very few extras were made in the previous run and they're ready to ship immediately"My guess it was only a handful of pieces and they were snagged very quickly - some people were very lucky, it's an awesome looking jacket.
I spotted the opportunity on the SJ FB Speakeasy page, but by the time I checked in my size was gone - I hope to snag one someday!
@mecken88 did you receive your pair of Holcomb's?
I saw the medium available
So did I - even had it in my cart for a moment. Thanks for the heads up, @IH-GARY
It was the only size available when I looked right after I saw the post. It was gone within 15 minutes….
@AdamJ You might have spotted Mike was wearing his at the R&H store launch at the end of last year - it's a cool item that's for sure!
@AdamJ Pic to jog your memory!
@bluemantra dude yes man! Been wearing them non stop since 31 January when I got them.
I had never tried, owned a pair with higher rise and slightly wider hem. So it was some getting used too. But I quickly fell in loved with them. So much that my last years indigo invitational I wore for 360 days, actually felt weird putting them on. Haha so I guess I’m a mid/high rise kind of guy now️
@XPender this was helpful. I just scored a Large, but the medium measurements would’ve been ideal. I’m usually a large in IH western shirts. Did you do pre and post measurements?
@mecken88 that’s great! I’ve been looking at the 22.5 oz. Measurements look similar to the 666.
@bluemantra No I didn't do any measurements, so you have to look in the images and try to estimate how much skrinkage you can get out of it. I think with a hot wash and tumble, I pretty much got as much as possible.
@PXE amazing, looks so good!
@bluemantra yeah, the 666 has slightly lower rise, but other then that they are very similar. And the moleskin details are amazing.
Brand new heavy denim can sometimes be rough on the hands in the beginning putting them in and out.
But because the front pockets not just moleskin as pocket material, they have sewed an extra pice of moleskin just on the inside edge with the “fury” side up. So they are very comfortable right from the start. I can try to take a photo.