The Strike Gold
@pechelman I'm a Large usually in IH and my last SG hoodie I went XL (I think / hope because that's what I did this time). I never washed it because it was borderline and they are not pre shrunk. So I'd size up at least once.
@Jeansman I wondered why these are never in stock, it's cos you bought them all haha
OK so in hindsight I should have sized up twice. It's fine now but this thing gets wet and it becomes my wife's. It really is a soft and warm fleece. IH wins overall for me because the pockets and details like a larger hood and a leather pull on the zipper but for the price no regrets on this one. -
That looks really great to me @mclaincausey
I thought the ones they sold were already washed? Ultimately I decided against getting what I was eyeing bc it just wasn't quite right for me. (In my case I was looking at the cardigan) -
@pechelman no their fleece are unwashed and shrink significantly
@pechelman oh maybe they changed. I'd love that. Sizing this fleece is notoriously difficult otherwise.
Here are some care instructions for TSG loopwheel, probably applicable to all loopwheel.
One interesting thing they mentioned is that they alternate s and z weaves to reduce skew. Reminiscent of broken twill. Another interesting thing is that they use vintage Union Specials on the seams. I've always admired how tight, small, and flat the seams are so that was interesting.
Just notice how beastly this thing looks right now
Here are my raw unwashed unsoaked SG9903s after about 4 months wear. They lose more indigo at wear points every day.