Party preppin’ w my sous chef
@chillmonroe “little bit over here” proceeds to mozzarella the counter
good stuff pops/nice vid
@Matt Happy Monday!
@flannel-slut thanks dude and yeah the countertops taste better with a bit of cheese on em anyway haha
@SKT Montessori preschool carpool is insane. The Montessori Karen moms in their Teslas are also insane. Middle school has to be actual hell
@chillmonroe carline just brings out the worst in people. And it’s such a time suck. Maybe I need to move this to rants cause I could go on and on. Middle school is awful because it’s poorly managed chaos…there are 20 different things going on at once with clubs and sports and events that you don’t have in elementary school.
@Matt Haha that’s awesome. I hope I’m so lucky in the future
@Brian hate drop off but love pickup. I get my boy screaming “DAD” and running up for me to pick him up. But he’s four. I’m sure that’ll change once he’s in middle school
I love (and miss) the “let out of school run to Dad” moments. My 5th grade daughter will still manage a hug most days at pick up but my 7th grade son is done with any PDA. One of the most bittersweet things is happening to me at this stage of parenting…the inevitable pulling away. The need for independence. The testing of the waters. Anyway, it’s natural and right but can sting. Not to get too sappy but that saying, “you never know when it’s the last time you’ll pick up your kid”…I’ve been feeling that lately and wish I could pick both mine up and give them a big hug.
@SKT i needed to hear this. Sometimes it can be tiring putting my 7 y/o to bed every night after a long day of work and it feels like it will never end, but my wife keeps telling he's not always going to be asking for you at bedtime so enjoy it.
@bluemantra I’m glad and I think your wife is absolutely right…gotta enjoy it while it lasts.
The pickup when he’s happy to see me and the drop off when he’s sad to see me leave is fine it’s the actual loathing of the driving there and parking that’s all
Feel lucky if they want you to put them to bed
Jacobs 8 and apart from a story in bed I’m then literally pushed out the door with a quick see you in the morning ( which is his code for I will wake you up at 6am no matter what time you went to bed ) -
@bluemantra Hell yea brother! It’s a trip for sure
I came home after a ten hour day in construction and an attempted house viewing, to my son clinging to my leg and making my carry him around the apartment like an ankle bracelet
And then he begins “dad big jump!” And I had to moon bounce him around the apartment for the next half hour. Doing 30lb squat/chest presses hahah The best