IHSH-332-SAX - Ultra Heavy Flannel Anniversary Check Western Shirt - Sax
Congratulations @Oaktavia, it looks fantastic on you!
I missed out on this one too and REALLY wanted one, so about a year or so ago, I thought …. Screw it, why torture myself. I paid through the nose and found one on eBay. Worth every penny (to me).
Enjoy it!
@Oaktavia That’s awesome! I’ve been looking out for one for a year but have never seen one in my size pop up. Maybe someday!
@natefreezy said in IHSH-332-SAX - Ultra Heavy Flannel Anniversary Check Western Shirt - Sax:
@Oaktavia That’s awesome! I’ve been looking out for one for a year but have never seen one in my size pop up. Maybe someday!
Try a WTB thread if you have not already- it couldn't hurt! The hunt is addicting, that is for sure.
@Oaktavia The hunt is half of the fun! Just ask @Mizmazzle . He's one of the best hunters around. His patience always pays off, and he's able to pick up some really rad stuff.
@Oaktavia that’s a slippery slope haha.
@Mizmazzle It's like a game!
@Mizmazzle You're definitely winning!