That is an awesome story and happy for the people who purchased them. Got to admire people who bought art they liked versus buying something because of the name.
I hear what you’re saying… but… think of all the GAH and Wesco you could buy and still have a few pieces left over to put up in your place and gift to friends. I’d have bought the table too if I had seen it and known what it was. Hate on Capitalism all you want, you aren’t wrong. But I love my stuff.
Hate on capitalism? Where was that even a topic? Or implied?
Easy there tiger. Just kidding around.
Keep buying GAH and Wesco. Stay happy.
Friends are always welcome, but it would be a long time before I could afford anything like that. Normally the freezer’s full and I’ve got a 12 pack in the fridge. Doors open
Dennis, you know my personal circumstances so I wouldn't be able to actually be your butler. But my thought was I'd do it for room and board. I'd much rather honor and serve someone I care about than be a servant to Greedy-Ripoff-Corp for basically the same deal
@motojobobo Mangoes are going for $1.29-$1.49 a piece in Canada…
@tody Filson Medium Duffle in Leather. It's one of two bags that I'm taking. The other will be a small backpack for toiletries, passport, electronics, etc…
Military taught me to travel light and to only take essentials...and if I need anything during this trip, I'll be at the source.
Can't wait
Is there a Gosport trip coming up? Let me know if you'll be in Portsmouth/Southsea at all