16oz Slubby Denim
Those are looking fantastic
Thanks @AdamJ those look so sick with lots of character and unique fades due to the slubs. I really dig the mixture of vintage fades with some contrast. It's the best of both worlds and they type of fading I strive for with all of my denim. I'll start wearing mine this spring/summer and see where I can get them. My wife is wearing a pair of the 634s and they are starting to shed indigo and look great on her too!
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I'm wondering if there has ever been any discussion on a CPO or other shirt in this denim. Has that ever been considered?
Texture overload!
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You can really 'feel' this image! I need to stop looking at the slub threads or I'm going to end up with a pair lol
Now that's some finely faded slub goodness right there!
Just checked the site and the 777's are out of stock in my size right now–maybe that's a good thing.I think I'm sold on these as my next pair though. @Giles I'm pretty sure I've seen you mention that these are very forgiving in the summer. Where I live I can get away with the 21-25oz almost year around. I think these would be the missing piece for me in the spring-summer. That'll be my justification anyway
Between the fabric and the loose top my Prontos (888) almost feel like wearing linen pants. They are unworn and “cellared” but if I come around to the fit they’ll get hemmed, then heavy wear in a future summer.
Yeah, they are probably our easiest denim to wear in the summer….
This is my rotation plan for 2023:
Fade the 634 Anni as long as I can, wearing them through spring and early summer, then switch to the 666 Slubby cut.
Fade the 16oz in summer and autumn, rotating back to my hardly worn 888 19oz Lefty for the cooler seasons.Now the conundrum is when the 16oz Slubbies will be replenished
I appreciate your opinions on this all I'm truly convinced. @alexpupin I did that rotation, sir. I am newish to denim and was always turned off by slub; however, I've come to really love its character.