Anyone here play video games?
i've never gotten gta v on ps4 considering i completed the game on ps3.. shame, would've been more fun..
i've never gotten gta v on ps4 considering i completed the game on ps3.. shame, would've been more fun..
Same here actually. I almost bought it for PS4 too but the guy at Best Buy said there's really no reason to if I own it for PS3. Still kind of want to buy it though.
whoa..didn't even know that was a thing.
Anyone get a Nintendo Switch? Such fun possibly my favorite system ever.
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I've got one.
Also got the Snes classic today. Thank you Best Buy. Shocked at how little it is.
What’s your gamertag
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Switch ID is cat_pee
PSN is cat_von_pee
XBL Gamertag is catvonpee -
I’m derivative666
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I need to check Nintendo id
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I've let my xblgt lapse and never activated PSN. But if you want play something with me let me know and I will reactivate them.
Stopped by Wal-Mart on the way home and picked up FIFA 18. There were only three copies left and they were all the Ronaldo edition so I had to pay 20 bucks extra for that. Guess that's what I get for not pre-ordering. Oh well….It comes with up to 20 premium gold jumbo packs which is very handy for Ultimate Team, but other than that I guess that's the only difference? Other than Ronaldo's pretty mug on the cover?
Gonna fire it up and nerd out on it tonight. Time to start building my squad. I'm probably going to explore the Story Mode too as I did not play one second of it on last years edition.
My Nintendo is Go Phish
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@derivative666 yeah same here. unless i can find one off the pre owned market with enough people to do heists. it's probably not worth it. even then it's about 40-50aud…
sadly, there's none in the preowned section at retail shops..
Accepted your friend request @louisbosco
In case you were wondering Samus Returns is one one of the very best games I've ever played. This kind of blows Super Metroid out of the water. (Possibly my favorite game ever besides Castlevania SOTN). And is punishingly difficult and also rewarding. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it.
Looks pretty awesome!
I used to love Castlevania SOTN.
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They just made Castlevania SOTN backwards compatible on Xbox one yesterday.