Anyone here play video games?
I've not played GTA since the original came out. However, I hear the reviews for this one are out of this world good. I have to pick up NHL 14, anyway, so why not give it another try?
Picked up a webcam today. My internet connection is pretty shite, but I'll be trying it out for the first time tonight on my stream (
) and reppin' the IHSH-72 tonight for some Symphony of the Night. Full out dork mode.I'll be watching for sure, please just notify me / us again before you start.
Thanks shoque! Maybe today when I start up I'll actually remember to switch my headset mic to default instead of the terrible webcam mic, haha. Still fairly new to all this, but you can always click the "Follow" button on my channel page to get email updates when I stream, or follow my twitter @jestreloon.
This is just a fun hobby I'm fooling with in the downtime I have right now before moving. I'm sure I'll be wearing more IH gear on there since the temperatures are dropping
i was going to ask if this thread just turned into a GTAV discussion hangout when 2 things occurred to me: 1) I went back a page or two to see all of the chat about the game and 2) Everyone is likely playing too contently to care to chat about it. Fair enough.
Continuing my Game themed T-Shirt collection, this one of the Biohazard 15th anniversary tees released last year:
Front print
Back print
And to continue the GTA V discussion (perhaps a separate thread needs starting, especially when the online opens up…) 5hrs last night, at least 3 of which consisted of me falling off mountains, uppercutting racists (playing as Franklin) mistakenly believing you could pet dogs (that's AC4:BF, in GTA you just punch/kick them in the spine. Then the dogs owners get upset and you're 'forced' to knee cap them in 'self defence'). And crying with laughter at the radio stations and billboards I've seen so far. All this and I've done 5-6 story missions with Franklin and Michael... Truly Puppeteer and MGS:LC are going to have to wait a while.
@deadendpro - trying to stay off today, too much to do :(. Although I'll probably sneak on later...
It's the reason I bought my 3DS, but no not really. Played up to the first boss. Left it at that. I love the atmosphere in the Zenobia, really comes across well, very immersive even on a handheld. But the controls… Much too cumbersome. For the action game the series has become, really need twin sticks. Not buying a hideous lump of plastic. So both the game and the 3DS sit gathering dust. I used to take it on holiday, but I've not been away for over a year...
Sorry Shoque, you probably wanted a yes or no answer didn't you? :).
Actually I wanted to know how you liked the atmosphere, and I am with you. They definitely tried to recapture the atmosphere of the "old" RE. I bought it on 3DS as well on the cheap, but then heard they are gonna release it on consoles and Steam, so I played it on Steam. I think I will play it again some time soon because I rushed through it during exams time.
Still have to play Zero and 4. I would kill for a decent HD remake of part 2.
EDIT: Going to read Game Over by David Sheff tonight, and drink much whisky...
Actually I wanted to know how you liked the atmosphere, and I am with you. They definitely tried to recapture the atmosphere of the "old" RE. I bought it on 3DS as well on the cheap, but then heard they are gonna release it on consoles and Steam, so I played it on Steam. I think I will play it again some time soon because I rushed through it during exams time.
Still have to play Zero and 4. I would kill for a decent HD remake of part 2.
It's been talked about many times (HD remake of 2). From what I remember, Capcom's official line is something like "we'd like to do it someday".
Zero is extremely atmospheric, the Partner Zapping mechanic is what the co-op on 5+6 should have been.
4 comes 2nd in my personal favourites, Shinji Mikami's last Biohazard game… It's all gone a bit wrong now. If you want to discuss RE more, please send me a PM, otherwise I'll derail the broad nature of the thread...
Still have to play Zero and 4. I would kill for a decent HD remake of part 2.
Still have to play Zero and 4. I would kill for a decent HD remake of part 2.
It's been talked about many times (HD remake of 2). From what I remember, Capcom's official line is something like "we'd like to do it someday".
Zero is extremely atmospheric, the Partner Zapping mechanic is what the co-op on 5+6 should have been.
4 comes 2nd in my personal favourites, Shinji Mikami's last Biohazard game… It's all gone a bit wrong now. If you want to discuss RE more, please send me a PM, otherwise I'll derail the broad nature of the thread...
Zero was easily my favorite. it introduced the drop item mechanic which was so convenient! Shoque i would def try to get my hands on Zero and give it a run through a couple of times. Also, leech hunter was much more fun for me than the mercenaries mini game. And agreed with Morose, 4 comes in second fave for me as well, it was the perfectly paced and put together video game. Did it revolutionize, but it made a fantastic game that is extremely replayable and very entertaining! And the best part about that game is you can buy it right from your psn/xbl.
- 10 days later