Ultra Heavy Raw (UHR), AKA 21/23oz Denim
Still helpful!
Thank you @hoppy_IPA
Can we expect any deliveries of the UHR's this month?
That is the old UHR
this is a new fabric make from new.
Will have new figures on the numbers
lol, obviously
How do you know
That is the point @Kasi was making…..
Well, he was trying to help so I figured I'd be appreciative vs just shutting it down
Yeah, you're right, sorry.
Until we test the new batch, we don't really know how it will behave…..
But here is shrink test data from one of the sample pairs:
and didn't you say something about a raw lefty @Giles
::) I still have to get the Prontos to IH for hemming and I'm worried about lefty
Indeed! Gotta be soon, right?
I thought the arcs were going to be tonal on these. Or was that only for the 555?