Giles and Paula's Great Retirement Adventure
What an amazing few days, and although I know we have a long way to go we both learnt a lot, and gained loads of confidence - thank you @Ian72 (and birthday girl wifey Sarah)
just curious, does the boat have wifi or do you have to wait for the boat to anchor near to shore to get data off your phones?
Giving you more ideas for your build in queue?
OK, here are some thoughts….
We'll get significantly better radar, probably a 3' open array and integrate that with a thermal imaging camera. As we will likely be doing quite a few night passages this will greatly improve our situational awareness. The radar and the camera can be integrated, so that if you identify a target that you want to keep an eye on, the camera will track it and throw the image up onto the screen.
We will get 2 * 16" multi-function displays (MFD's) so that we can monitor stacks of information without dicking around too much. Also means that I can run 2 sepearte nav packages next to each other if we want.
I'll build a remote into the helm position armrest so that the MFD's and autopilot can be controlled from there (more important for Paula, whose arms are not as long as mine).
May stick a 7" MFD on the rear deck which can be controlled by a secondary remote.
And we'll get augmented reality. It's a relatively cheap add-on:
I think I'll put some fender hooks into the hull. so taking the fenders on and off will be a breeze, and at least for our home dock, the fenders will always be at the correct height
thats the shit right there
the nav system that is.
though a gun that runs hydraulic oil sounds like a blast if you'll forgive me.
I'd put the mini up in the bow -
Love the AR for navigation. Could be really useful for shipping lanes and heavy traffic. The UAV could be useful, but I’m afraid of crashing it.
So far I’m not seeing anything for under the boat. I’ve got side scan sonar for structures, depth, and fish finders. Also gives you great feedback for the thermoclines (water temps - different depths). It’s a Garmin unit, but I’m sure Ray Marine has equivalent or better gear. They really have some great setups and packages.
Question: Are you required to have paper charts (backup) when you have electronic navigation?
Good for the sonar. I was just worried about you disrupting fish breeding areas and schools by accident.
The sides scan is awesome and I’ve found a few wrecks using it.
We have to have a basic boater’s license for anything over 10hp motor, basic safety equipment for everyone on board and that’s about it. High traffic areas around Toronto requires a special permit (due to traffic congestion). Really it’s because there are a load of idiots who have zero common sense and like to do stupid stuff.
We are ot required to have anything in the UK, no charts, no qualifications no nothing….Can you believe it?
The boat comes with sonar and conical CHIRP as standard
that is nuts. ???
Great shot. Looks like a good time.
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