Jacques Marie Mage (JMM) - Sunglasses and Frames…
Thank you Ann! We are pretty good at enabling and facilitating each other! That sounded wrong! [emoji23] However I’m sure you get my drift x
Spot on and well spotted @pechelman! They are Molinos and Anitas, my faves are the totally wacky Glorias although they do cause a few interested looks as they are sooo big, mirrored and intense!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have the same frame and clips in different colorways and I love them so much. They look fantastic on you @dnalor !
I have the same frame and clips in different colorways and I love them so much. They look fantastic on you @dnalor !
Maybe it’s just me, but I find the clips to be a little flimsy. Not low-quality, but just easily misshapen. Though I have sat on mine a few times. Oops!
Yeah @dnalor they are about like other clips I've had, for my Moscot Lemtosh for example. They don't feel as distinct as the frames do, although I like them a lot and appreciate the subtle detailing. I think it's just hard to make a substantial clip. The case that ships with them is bulky but rigid enough to protect them pretty well if you have room for it. They usually wind up in my shirt pocket.
Unlike most JMM sunglass lenses, they are mineral glass, so at least they're a but more scratch-resistant, if more vulnerable to shattering.
Nice! Is that their G-15 lens @Anesthetist ? It looks similar to my clip-ons and I really love it, especially compared to Ray-Ban G-15.
Not sure it is dark enough to be a G15 but it is a very pleasing olive hue.
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Yeah @Anesthetist –maybe the Taupe colorway? My clip-ons are claimed to be G-15 but are much lighter, and I like them a lot, unlike other G-15 I've tried. I got the colorway because it was the only clip-on with silver hardware, and anything else would have looked bad with my Taupe glasses and their visible silver wirecore. I was so pleasantly surprised and relieved that I love the shade, first time I can say that about a green lens.
Maybe belongs in random rants but bear with me….
I love the JMM style and quality (and have 3 pairs) but genuinely WTF is Jerome going on about with the copy for his drops? It’s almost like he picks a random buzzword-popular artist and scenario that just doesnt make any sense with the drop.
The latest is Jean Cocteau in the American West? What does any of it have to do with brown Dealans?
What’s next? Calder in Cleveland? Josephine Baker in Vancouver? Dali in St Louis?
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Haha. Did Cocteau even visit America?
I don’t mind a story but some of them seem to be huge stretches.
In all honesty I've never really paid attention to any of that, m mostly just being interested in the end product, but now you'll have me paying attention. Ha
In other news, was super tempted by these Herbie's yesterday. The green glass lens and olive thermal really complimented each other it seems. Went in to get another pair adjusted and hopefully try on the 1980 Kubrick's but sounds like he had just sold the last of 6 pairs he got in.
New collaboration drop
I think those Kubriks are selling well. I wanted to try a pair on but my local spot didnt have one and for me to get them to ship them here I’d have to buy them first.
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@mclaincausey what's your excuse for not copping them?
I feel like I wear specs so much and love my Walkers so much that I wouldn’t do them justice. They’re mighty fine though!
@mclaincausey fwiw, those enzo's are super cool and look good on you, but think you have better with the walkers and zeph's.
I ended up getting those herbie's above from Scot though, after 2 weeks of still thinking about them. Was somewhat surprised he still had them. They're away getting transitions put in and hopefully they arrive back early next week. Some of the other jmm circles had a pretty negative or lukewarm buzz about that frame, but something about them is special. They have a lot of subtleties that I think get missed in photos. While I am somewhat sad that the green mineral glass lenses will sit in a box now, I'm also stoked for nice optical glasses. Will post a pic when they get back.