Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
@GraemeE I have the Joujouka on cd , its beautiful
@steelworker I checked the cd out from the library years ago and really liked it
I don't know enough of the back story on what the actual involvement of Brian Jones was though- maybe you can enlighten me?
I seem to remember there was a version of the cover that said brian Jones "with"...which was later covered with a sticker that said "presents"
Leads me to believe he had less involvement than originally expected
@GraemeE I will dig up the cd. From what I remember I think he was responsible for recording.
Don't believe he was on the record. -
@J-IV this was actually one of those finds that fuels me to keep hunting through stacks of crappy vinyl at thrift stores
It was a goodwill on the oregon coast and there were boxes of records all with catalog numbers on them
My guess is they were all from an old radio station and had been sitting in someone's attic for years before thet finally got donated
Got these on Saturday
@GraemeE love those Happy End reissues. I bought all the Pony Canyon/URC reissues as they came out and they're all excellent. Lots of flavors of stuff there: https://www.discogs.com/label/1398929-URCアナログ復刻シリーズ
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