How do I change my profile label?
Depending on your post count, you will be added to 'groups'. These then qualify you to add a certain group title to display beneath your avatar when posting.
As you graduate through the ranks with more posts, more titles with become available. To select these, simply head over to your profile and choose from the list.
thanks @popvulture! It looks like I'm having some connection problems on my end and didnt have anything in the label group box. Had to logout/login again to see anything.
Yeah a few funky things have been happening to me too but I think it's stopped. For a while I kept getting a little dialog box in the bottom right corner saying I'd lost connection.
J jtaylor69 referenced this topic on
I think I read they only became visible after posting into the new forum - so consider this a test!
Test successful!! Check now @Twistlock - should be available now that you have posted in this thread.
I managed to log into the new forum today. One thing I'm noticing is that I seem to have lost a number of posts. When I checked my stats not so long ago, I had about 300. Now I'm down to 240. This should be 241.
Others having this issue too?
J jtaylor69 referenced this topic on
I set mine to Haraki-San Student.
Also posting up a test message to see whether my group labels appear!
Mine says I’m at 32, but according to the email I should have Haraki San student? I don’t
@AdamJ thank you
How do we tell what the different labels mean? Or what level they’re aquired at?
Hello world!
Here's to hoping I figure out the new program over here.
@Pipeboss713 said in How do I change my profile label?:
How do we tell what the different labels mean? Or what level they’re aquired at?
You don't, it's a mystery......That's part of the point....