Where do we report issues with the new forum?
@Twistlock also not working for me on Android.
Interested, i noticed there's a new theme area to select forum formatting for very small phones, which is what I guess mine is now (pixel 4), but it appears to do nothing. The new forum layout is very expanded in that there's so much wasted space. Hard to see more than a single post at a time let alone who posted the one one the screen.
Weird formatting question: It seems like the text is being dropped as seen in the picture below. Do I need to change a setting or is it a forum parameter that needs changed:
Edit: This only happens on mobile in the landscape position. Portrait and desktop the issue is not there.
Also in Kiya’s latest post update, the pictures are not uniform in size: https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum//post/825669
Another format issue?
Edit: This also happens when posting video's in the music thread.
@goosehd @AdamJ Same here; just missing the start of each sentence/line.
Also the ‘Status’ dot is now always over the user’s picture (as shown).
It also now seems problematic editing the title of a post (and as a case in point, also submitting this reply) without turning the device (iPad) to portrait.
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This post is deleted!
This post is deleted!
@endo said in Where do we report issues with the new forum?:
This looks weird, how the upvote count is displayed. And that Canadian guy also looks weird. (nice shirt, though)
Don’t think that I didn’t see this and you’re getting away with it. We will discuss this at the party…
…and so very looking forward to it
@popvulture on mobile? I think I replicated, and you can drag the bar to the right to move it out your way. Clearly not ideal, but perhaps a work around until Monday?
@Alex ahh interesting — that works. Oddly the one thing I didn’t try haha. Seems like that would be intuitive but I guess I’m just used to the way it previously worked. Thank you!
is there a possibility to use the mark as read function?
I just noticed the email notification for a new message is working now, so that’s cool.
@goosehd said in Where do we report issues with the new forum?:
Don’t think that I didn’t see this …
Doesn't happen on my iphone but on my laptop there is this Avatar sizing problem where it covers some of the text?
Anyone else have this issue?