Indigo invitational Y4
@JunkPants Ooh, nice options. If that cut was for me, I’d get them just for the red ‘Shazam’ If you have that pair ready to go it could be good to get into ‘em next year.
I’m looking at IHDR-502IB, or IH-822-IND, or maybe even IH-805’s (both of which are restocking early next year).
Or the IH-829-IND…
In short, something indigo, and more ‘work wear’ specific than a five pocket jean (oh, the irony).
@Mister_Brue Well, truth be told, I have other options ready to go as well The obsession runs deep. I do love that Shazam though.
Those are some great options. I always admire the more heritage oriented cuts and styles. (But couldn't personally pull off a year straight in them). Love the fades on the regular 21oz, and have seen some amazing examples of the 14oz IB. Hard to go wrong. I seem to recall reading somewhere that the Indigo Invitational wouldn't allow the 21oz serge a few years back (555SG) since they weren't technically denim, whatever that means. Might have changed now (and I could be misremembering), but might be worth asking them if you're thinking about entering with the 829.
Haha, I do get your point though!
Plenty of time to ponder it still, we should have until spring at least, maybe even summer, before the next one kicks off. And the pondering is certainly part of the fun.
@JunkPants Cheers, good point. At least I have the other options. A double knee is going to be almost mandatory for me though going by this year’s pair. (19oz)
Kojima Genes SLAB Jeans. Nine months in. Getting a bit cold now with all the holes…
@Mister_Brue Gosh goodness me!! These jeans have seen some hardware hard wear… ️
@olblue such excellence! those are great, man
@WhiskeySandwich thanks my man
almost 2 months left and I’m stoked to see all the fades out there
@olblue Love the setting on the woodland floor. ️ The last few months have flown by.
@olblue Wow, so good!
@goosehd very appreciated my man
@JunkPants thank ye thank ye
@Mister_Brue they sure have, we’re almost at the end ye I kinda like the idea of showing the change in the seasons even if it’s just the ground
The end is nigh!
@Davids_denim so good my man
@olblue Thanks! Honestly your updates help keep me motivated to keep moving.
From now forwards I think is the best part of the competition for us Iron heart people, something about that 300 wear mark. -
@Davids_denim Always love your submission pics.
@Davids_denim UHR looking great!
@Davids_denim never give up, keep cooking and the results will always shine through! My man it’s only going to get spicier from here on