This Blew My Mind!
went on a short city trip to Heidelberg and amongst many other great things I of course visited the Castle to discover this massive wine cask which absolutely blew my mind!
apparently a total of four versions were built, starting with the first in 1591 which was destroyed during the 30 years war to be used as fire wood
in the pictures you can see the fourth version built in 1751 which can hold 220.000 litres of wine. I should say COULD as it was never really water tight and was only filled completely three times.
@WhiskeySandwich freaking nuts that it gets “many times hotter then the sun!!”
They’ve gone at least 250,000 x the temperature of the core of the sun in particle accelerators: 4 trillion degrees Celsius, enough to decompose subatomic particles. For context, a type 2 supernova (when a huge star runs out of hydrogen and collapses / explodes with unimaginable violence) is (only) 2 billion degrees and that’s enough to create the heavy elements that we and our world are made of.
We really are made out of the remains of stars. Pretty cool.
@mclaincausey …I do believe that some of us are more gaseous than others, especially after a night of drinking…
beer and cider man. I don’t understand the biology but I can feel the impact when I know it must still be in my stomach.
@mclaincausey at temps like that, i cant help but wonder why anything that hot wouldn't just laserbeam itself into the center of the nearest/strongest source of gravity. How is something like that kept from burning through the floor like Alien drool?
@WhiskeySandwich if you mean in the particle accelerator I think that the heat is so small and brief that it can’t do anything like that.
The quark-gluon plasma formed is said to be superfluid, which means it has no viscosity. Imagine stirring something and it just keeps stirring forever. This is what they think constituted the early universe after the Big Bang before it cooled into the matter we know and love. There is some theorizing that certain stars (neutron and quark stars) have this state of matter in them.
One more mind blower. There is a pulsar that is spinning 716 times per second. That means its equator is moving at 25% of the speed of light. It is 50 trillion times the density of lead with 1 trillion times the magnetism of the sun.
@mclaincausey either of those things, or anything hotter than the sun. If they're sustaining temps for near a minute or as it gets longer.... it seems like any kind of force like gravity would be attempting to overcome whatever is containing the heat source.... These things are just hard to wrap my head around. lol It's hard to imagine something that massive spinning that fast.
Gravity isn’t an actual force; it’s just the topology of space time. I think the collisions happen in man made vacuums but these are not total vacuums, so the minuscule weight of the colliding particles is probably not super incline to fall down the earth’s gravity well.
Not a particle or any other kind of physicist so this is just conjecture.
Honey Badgers blow my mind. Seriously. Look them up!
Did not exactly blow my mind, but I love how obvious the solution was with the benefit of hindsight.....
Dunno where to put this. Never seen it. But awesome
@pechelman Oh, yes. Same idea. Shoot. And yeah, I like my thread title too.
FWIW I was all about the duck thread, and I am here to keep the cause alive.