Iron Heart Adventures with Denim Dawg
It’s so gorgeous!! It hangs in the Hachioji store
@tody haha
I don’t know what it’s like for you. But seeing anyone wear IH is exclusive. I bought my first pair in Tokyo in 2010. IH9634Z from it hemmed at the spot. The guy selling it to me was the first and last one I saw sporting IH IRL… until I gave Terje a 555UHR last year. 13 years later. It was surreal to see them on someone else. What a kick! Haha,,
and then the third and fourth person I saw wearing IH was @Alex and @AdamJ! Hahaha… and then I expected everyone in Japan to be wearing IH, Full count, pure blue, samurai…. But there were so few! Could hardly spot any. They told us it’s because it’s so warm… I think day four in Tokyo Terje, myself and Eilif (our fantastic producer) had a late dinner after filming all day. We went to a place Alex recommended where they had deep fried meat with rice. The guy sitting next to us was all denim head; all new raw denim, gold chain, gold belt, fresh mob hairstyle, happy chap having dinner with his woman. Terje complimented his style and we all gave thumbs up, it didn’t want to disturb their meal. On their way out, he came over to us and said thank you for coming to Japan, and that he’d paid for our meal. He said it was Japanese custom. I mean. What?
The fifth person I met in IH was @Sarina - the fantastic interpreter, and the sixth @Haraki-san . Hahahahaha then the brilliant staff, customers and awesome bikers at Hachioji.
It’s a small world. It’s a beautiful friendly world. Just want to thank you here for being such cool and kind people. Always so positive and backing each other up. We are all walks of life and I feel everyone here respects each other and wants to have a laugh. It feels like gong to the pub: you just want to hang out with friends, have a fun time and chat about what you’re passionate about and your main interest. Anyone else feel this way?
@tody Really?? Haha! Relieved and hilarious and happy to hear, my friend.
@denim-dawg loved reading that, thank you
@DeeDee85 Thank you so much! Means a lot
@denim-dawg This video is hilarious. I think so far my favorite. Your description of IH in Japan is spot on, and the feeling you get going to an Iron Heart party. Your doing great things.
I don’t own a particularly large IH collection…yet…but reading your post @denim-dawg makes me want to go and put every piece I do own on! Bravo my friend, bravo!
@SamD Laughed my ass off. Well done @denim-dawg and crew.
After being drenched by a hurricane simulator earlier in the series, this week's Japanese adventure sees @denim-dawg opt for a more refined approach to the denim soak, relaxing with an ice-cold glass of saké...
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Filmed & edited by @Stitch
These collab videos w IH and Dawg/Stitch is the best thing going!!! Even my better half, who I suspect is plotting revenge on IH, enjoy these
@flannel-slut Your wife has good taste - in you
Much appreciated, my friend!
@denim-dawg Another great one.
@ROman You’re making me blush so much that my ice cubes are melting
Singing the blues, playing for jeans
@denim-dawg busks his unique musical stylings on the streets of Japan...
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Filmed & edited by @Stitch
Domo arigato @denim-dawg @Stitch !
I always think about what comes next , and then -
Thank you @Nocturama and @Daniel-San
A little BEHIND THE SEAMS… to make this shot, @Stitch uses denim in a new tripod-ian way