Live Concerts
@mclaincausey - last year he put out a record with Ceramic Dog. i think it's their best work so far, they managed to capture the magic of impro and all the good stuff they usually do live.
its my most listened album on spotify
Not a "concert", but went to a wine tasting with Maynard from TOOL and his wines last night and it was really cool. Maynard was there, but clearly shy. I had been wanting to try his wines for a while and I was pleasantly surprised.
We caught DJ Shadow a few weeks ago on his action adventure tour and it was so good. Highly recommend if he is coming to your area.
@Tago-Mago unsure as of yet. love the descendents, totally hated the circle jerks the last few times i saw them.
@endo - seen them in Dublin two years ago and for me, it was best live gig of the year. Fantastic band, so much fun.
Day 1 of my music week today was a success. It may have been outside my musical comfort zone but I never once felt uncomfortable (apart from an acute attack of hair envy). Varied Nordic goodness headlined by Sólstafir, ably supported by Oranssi Pazuzu and Hamferð.
Apologies for the quality of the pics but it’ll give you a feel. @Tago-Mago did you get round to booking tickets for Munich?
@endo yea--just caught them here in Berlin Saturday night at Columbiahalle and it was so much fun.
Amyl reminds me of a female version of Iggy---and after being on the road for this leg of the tour..the band was tight! -
@Tago-Mago hope it works out for you. I think the first act is different for Munich but I can see you enjoying the other two. Currently waiting for day two to start – possibly more to follow later but keeping it Nordic tonight before a change of gear later in the week.
Day 2 - a very different feel to last night, but fun and surprisingly lively for a Monday night thanks to the endearingly snotty Joe & the Shitboys from the Faroe Islands. If their counting was correct, they got through 33 songs in just over an hour!
A rest day tomorrow, then back at it on Wednesday!
Anyone in or near Dublin?
Day 4 - a more intimate in the round performance tonight.
If a band drops names like Snarky Puppy and Cory Henry as influences/reference points they have to be good or stupid. I’m pleased to report that Tucan are far from stupid! Picking up on a discussion elsewhere, they also had two drummers - the second one was opposite me and a real joy to watch.