NBA (Basketball)
Yeh, I don't mind which team gets up either, they both deserve success this year. Being an Aussie, it's hard not to get excited about how Delly has stepped up. Nothing but heart in the way he plays. Kyrie's shoe's are pretty big to fill, but so far he has definitely held his own!
Recognise last night!! I only saw my first Warriors game in the flesh last year so I guess i'm post-bandwagon Splash era fan but damn, it's been some ride! If Lebron wins this series then fair play, he is cementing his status… But I gotta have faith in that we are gonna do it in six. (fingers crossed!)
I feel like they could have added a couple more diamonds in the basketball. Looks like there are some wide-open spaces.
Best not mention that. I don't want the person who designed this to be second-guessing him/herself. I'd hate to be on my death bed, wondering how many diamonds I could have stuffed in between the cracks of a ring.
This has inspired a new term for my vocabulary: gaud-awful.
Usually when Canada has a chance to show Americans the classy way to do things they don't wind up out-tackying the good ole USA, which, to their credit, is no mean feat.
You want elegant I refer you to this- subtle and understated-
For effortless tacky it's American all the way. All others can only aspire to greatness.
One of these sports teams needs to hire @Warner to design their championship ring. He'd someone manage to make it over the top while avoiding the gaudiness of the above.
RIP Kobe Bryant. Very sad.
terrible news to wake up to. i saw that obama and the rest were tweeting about kobe and i was like 'huh. what's going on'. then i clicked more news and realised what had happened..
tbh, still in disbelief and shocked. i never watched the NBA but even then you know kobe was the GOAT..
Very sad. Kobe had strong links to the soccer world as he was a huge fan of the sport…. legit fan not just a token celebrity fan. I believe he lived in Italy for a number of years when he was younger when his dad played professional basketball there which is where he picked up his love for soccer. I also believe he was fluent in Italian.
Sad loss for the sports world for sure.