IHSH-389-IND - 12oz Dobby Cloth CPO Shirt - Indigo
ive only just started to wear this beauty.
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@Mister_Brue said in IHSH-389-IND - 12oz Dobby Cloth CPO Shirt - Indigo:
@Oaktavia A bit different to the 409 for sure.
Abso-feckin-lutely man a welcome change. But the 140IG is basically the 409 in T1 form so I still get my heavyweight fix.
focuses on the word "near"
Hey happy owners of the 389! I managed to find an XL, which the seller said has specs of 22" pit-to-pit, 29" in length, and 26" sleeves. Seems closer to the specs of a Large which can work for me, but I'll confirm when it arrives. I'm 5'9, 160 lbs, and usually wear Large Western UHF's. My question is if anyone has any experience with washing a drying this shirt and the shrinkage possible. I'd be curious if I can shave off an inch or so in the length and sleeves, but I have no experience with this material. Let me know if anyone has experienced shrinkage with washing, and more so with a tumble dry? I also don't want to compromise the dye too much and just mess the shirt up by trying to shrink it. All thoughts are welcome!
@MSav32323 In the details tab on the product page, it states that the item is one washed and no shrinkage expected. I really do not think you will be able to get an inch of shrinkage using any technique of extreme hot water and or drying.
This is what it states in the details tab: “You probably would not know these had been one-washed by looking at them, but we have put the through some serious industrial washing machines to take most of the shrinkage out of them.”
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@goosehd Thanks for the info, always helpful!
@sabergirl OK good to know, anuy amount of tightening would help, and at the end of the day this will be a great overshirt/light coat. It's smaller than a different CPO I use as a jacket, so I'm definitely safe there. As long as the measurements provided to me were accurate... I'll find out when it arrives in a little over a week. I'll send a pic to see what ya'll think. Thanks for the help!
@Mister_Brue Thanks so much, we'll see when it arrives! Appreciate ya!
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@Mister_Brue oh yeah dude so nice
@Mister_Brue beautiful fading…such cool fabric
Well, a bit of a wild update here! Per my earlier post in this thread, the XL I thought I had tracked down through a seller on Facebook Iron Heart marketplace, which ended up ultimately being a purchase through eBay with the seller, was coming from a retailer in China he had tracked down, and after about three weeks of highly anticipated waiting, and like a young child on Christmas, I tore through the packaging only to find that the IHSH-368 was staring me in the face.. needless to say, I was pretty crushed. Apparently, there was a mixup somewhere along the way, and after many apologies from the Facebook seller, we set up the return process, and aside from some hurt feelings on my part, there was no damage done.
When I tell you I have been on the hunt for the shirt for the past eight months, I mean it! I went through all of the retailers posted In the original post, searching far and wide! And as you all know, this baby was sold out.
Ever since then, I have been checking in several times a week on all of the marketplace to see if one was popping up for sale. I thought I was being very diligent on the marketplace here on the forum, but two weeks ago, I stumbled across a post that I clearly missed from @Miiks back in October that he was selling his. I had very little faith that it was still available, but you never know, so I hit him up. Low and behold, he informed me it sold quite some time ago. And then a few days later, this SAINT of a man hit me up, saying that he stumbled across one for sale online, and he sent me the link. I couldn’t believe my eyes ! When I got onto Pinkomo’s site and saw that they had a medium still available! Are you freaking kidding me?!? The exact size that I have been hoping and praying for all these months, was still available!? I don’t think I’ve ever so frantically purchased an item before my life!
After my last experience, I was still holding my breath a tiny bit (unnecessarily, as Pinkomo is a pro-status shop). It arrived yesterday in pristine condition, in a beautifully wrapped box, so a massive shout out to the boys over at Pinkomo!
And so this, thanks to @Miiks and Pinkomo, is how I was able to track down, what I believe to be, maybe the last one of these for sale in the world!
It just goes to show that with a little bit of luck, persistence, and the wielding of the Almighty power of Iron Heart Forum, pipe dreams can come true!