Care For Your (Denim/ Wool/ Cotton)
Curiosity has veered toward the age old denimhead topic of washing jeans in my pinball machine brain.
I am currently at my longest run ever without a wash with a pair of jeans at 95 days (not counting jackets or shirts).
Q: What is the longest unwashed amount of time y'all have waited (for those who count) to wash your jeans for your record? I know my 95 days may not be much to @swiss-jeansfreak or other dry enthusiasts but I am genuinely curious who specifically on here goes unwashed and what your record is.
@Oaktavia I am at 141 wears with my 666 XHS 25 oz. jeans - never washed yet. I plan on a wash at 150-ish wears, before they go off to Rain (Reyn?) for hemming.
They are ready lol.
@indigostiff Nice dude, the pair I mentioned are also XHS but the 634 cut. I would love to see what your pair looks like if you have posted them before.
@Oaktavia here you go - unfiltered - the content of which I share with nobody else because of either my embarrassment or their lack of interest!
Crotch is strong
@indigostiff nice, thanks for sharing man. I too feel that by 140 or so wears mine will be ripe for the machine but I'll see.
i might be no help to the "how long have you gone between washing" discussion other than to say my decision to wash has been when i see dirt/dust start collecting behind or around the thicker constructional seams. If I see dirt there it's bound to be somewhere else that will be causing more wear and tear as an abrasive. I've thought about taking a shop vac to them, and have once or twice, but seeing what the soaking liquid looks like before the wash has so far made me feel really good about washing.
Depending on the season, this seems to be about ~60 days.
@Mizmazzle I did not count my initial hot soak to remove shrinkage, no.
@pechelman I usually wash my jeans around 60s wear or so as well. I should have stated in my OG post that I want to push just this one pair to see how long I can get. All of my other denim is washed and repeated when needed. I just wanted to finally go super long before washing just to see if I can stand it lol.
is the end goal a number, a fun experiment, or is there another benefit to waiting another month? Would getting the dirt/oils out of faded areas allow them to fade faster that you want to prevent? Genuinely asking since I'm still new to this. Also, no judgement here. asking to learn!
@pechelman I am roughly trying to follow this --
@Oaktavia @pechelman 60 wears is a good marker for sure, depending on your activity. I know Oak's usually looking killer in less time than that. I've been on a mission to hit 100 with my latest rotation, but i think results vary so much based on the denim, activity, etc. Longest I've gone is 87 and counting on my 21ib. I'm getting nervous about ruining them with a wash lol i love em oily!
@pechelman said in Random questions to which you seek an answer:
a fun experiment
yes I think so, I just admire heavily faded and unwashed heavy denim and how it contrasts with fades. There is something different with the deepness of the indigo but I know at some point they will see the machine.
Would getting the dirt/oils out of faded areas allow them to fade faster that you want to prevent?
I would love to know the answer to this question but I think you may actually be correct.
@WhiskeySandwich the 21ib looks extra shiny and oily too unwashed! The results do vary so much depending on the denim though, for example the XHSmb looked nearly the same as it did before the first wash at 79 wears and compared to fast fading denim, 79 wears could look so much different.
@Oaktavia I am aiming for 100 wears between washes of my 888-XHS at the moment. I’m not doing anything particularly sweaty in them though and if they get muddy or something in them in the meantime they will be going in the tub. Wash #2 will be due in 27 wears unless something happens before then.
@indigostiff said in Random questions to which you seek an answer:
@pechelman I am roughly trying to follow this --
thanks for sharing this, I needed something to read today!
Moved to this topic which should give you a bit to read…
@Oaktavia @EdH @WhiskeySandwich @indigostiff @pechelman @Mizmazzle
Unfortunately we don’t have Filthy to give his thoughts and numbers on the subject. I think Twin lets his denim go for quite some time,if ever, before he washes,and we can all attest to how great his fades are.I can’t speculate on wether or not he keeps track of those things. You might reach out to Adam on IG and get his take on it.
@Oaktavia oh i bet with the MBs. the 18oz vintage on the other hand lightened up considerably. at 120 or so i've washed them 3 times and they're poppin, but i still keep em greazy lol
@EdH hell yeah. i think 100 is about the max i can aim for before inevitably spilling garbage juice or something on them that would absolutely require some proper cleaning. I do somehow end up mildly sweat steaming mine regularly with the walk and many many stairs to work. They air out hanging every night though so they never smell.
My concept is to avoid soiling them but also don't baby them. Do what you do and washes are only needed depending on how accident prone you are. I brush debris off and spot clean as needed. That being said, Throwing washes in the mix definitely add to it. I do think that most denim looks better with some, but rare, washing. Unless you really love only dark jeans, they tend to deteriorate before peaking. Not everyone can get a pair to fully lighten without putting major wear on them. Simply put - the instructions do say "wear as long as possible without washing" then wash carefully. So i figure there's like two stages i go through: 1 is the initial wear, which lets say is a good 100 wears or so, to get your fades set. then i pick up the pace on washing.anyway, i went full nerd blah blah blah