Artificial Intelligence
@WhiskeySandwich ...I miss that line of work
@WhiskeySandwich Marcus is such a G. The relevancy of that guy’s writing blows my mind regularly.
FWIW after doing a quick search, looks like there are at least a couple other recent podcasts with Kurzweil on these topics, for anybody like myself who can’t deal with Rogan. I’m super interested in hearing this guy’s ideas.
I work as a motion graphics designer (currently unemployed, yay - maybe they’ve already taken my job
), and a lot of people in advertising are pretty terrified of AI. I do think there are of course some jobs that are in danger in the field and elsewhere, but I’ve been subscribing to the mindset that it’ll be less of a job replacer and more of a job augmenter/assistant in the future. There are all kinds of things that stuff like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, etc already do to make my life a shitload easier.
I realize that’s just a tiny dab of a comment for something as enormous as AI, but my point is I think it’s got a ton of potential, and have been trying to see that as much as possible and learn more, vs my natural instinct, which was to get scared.
I’m with @sabergirl. Joe Rogan is a turd.
@popvulture I'm in design school currently, and we talk about AI a lot. Just yesterday, I watched an architecture student give a presentation on AI being used as a tool to complete repetitive tasks, and allow the humans (never thought I'd write that sentence) focus on creativity.
It's fascinating stuff that for sure has a lot of risk, and despite wondering if it will kill us all, I think it will certainly enable us to do some amazing things before we're all enslaved or murdered by our computer overlords.
@popvulture I do think that all human jobs, as we know them, are 'in danger' of being taken by Ai. The best part is that we're training them lol. BUT, like you say, I think they'll probably be more of an assist, at least at first. Whatever we think, it probably doesn't matter, it's inevitable. We can make the best of it, or we can look at only the negative, like many people do about Rogan lol. The same can be, and is, said about every presenter/journalist/interviewer in every corner of the media. I think that they will do whatever they're going to do without a care about what we think. Regardless, if it comes to a brain attachment or nano-blood, it'd take some major convincing.
@seawolf i dont think that i'll so much murder us with malicious intent, as much as we will become extinct biologically, because we'll voluntarily transfer our consciousness into technological vessels. lol
In veterinary radiology, AI is already being used to interpret X-rays. My wife just had a case come across her desk where the clinic was looking for a second opinion for some X-rays that were interpreted by AI for possible cancer as the dog was not getting any better after months of management.
My wife took one look at the X-rays only to find multiple sites/tumours that AI said was not there with a prognosis of the dog’s life expectancy was extremely poor due to that misdiagnosis.
@goosehd wow thats pretty scary. I hope the Ai wasn't exclusively relied up on at any point. I don't think we're there yet..... did you mean that no human had reviewed the imagery at all until your wife did?
@WhiskeySandwich Just the GP, who took the AI report at face value...
Edit: There are supposed to be radiologists who sign off on the reports, but like every check and balance...
@goosehd thats crazy to me. That should happen no more with animals than it should with humans. of course its 0% acceptable for either.
This reminds me of the lawsuits for Tesla's self-driving capability. If you're not willing to take responsibility as an operator, maybe don't trust the thing not to fail. Even if activation of auto-drive presented a pop-up that says: "this feature absolves the driver from all liability in the even of a collision." do you trust it with your family's life?
It’s funny — Jennifer Egan’s most recent novel, The Candy House, revolves around a fictional tech company that’s developed a way to upload your memories to the cloud. Prescient as fuck, I guess.
Hey, I’m here for it (and not like we’ll have much of a choice I bet, haha).
@Matt but its voluntary.... also, i don't really take anything so serious that i cant laugh about it. rules to live by!
@popvulture trust in the CLOUD ...Very effective linguistics at work when selecting the term for such a thing. If you were selling a place to rest your portable consciousness, what could sound more heavenly? lol
The biggest issue in Veterinary Radiology is that there are very few people doing the job in relation to the demand. Just like anything, the turnaround time from case submission to a report being generated can be anywhere from a day to a week depending on that caseload.
People demand things now and are unwilling to wait, so AI is a perfect tool to speed up that process. GP's who are already under a lot of stress from their normal caseloads, don't need owner's of pets phoning every hour asking if the report is done yet and are using that tool to speed up that process.
The problem is, things get missed...
We do our best to turn reports around as quickly as possible, but sometimes caseloads, life, illnesses, etc. get in the way. I would rather have a human check my X-rays and imaging everyday of the week, but that's not what society wants.
They want that information now and there will be compromises until technology catches up with that want and the ability to produce reports that are accurate.
On the other hand there are reports/studies out there that AI has caught tumours at early stages that Radiologists can't see yet. There is potential there and hopefully there will be some cohesion between the two.
@WhiskeySandwich I literally loled at that
@goosehd i get you. We do our best and its not a perfect world. Shit happens and stuff gets missed, even by humans. You can't expect a product to be less flawless than it's creator, i guess. Also, its true that if it can save some time, even while it waits for a human to get to it, then it is still helping.
@popvulture The thing that gets me about that selection of a name, is that it kinda implies that data is just suspended in space. Like a cloud isn't really a vessel for information. Misrepresents that a record must have a tangible place to be stored.....except for the Akashic Record, of course...