Redline Rally Y3
Update on the 295ib I’m doing for Re(pair).
How it’s been hanging in the flat head
@Mister_Brue What a beautiful contrast between the forearms and elbows to the back!
@olblue Nice dynamic fades, especially on the picture showing the back of the jacket. Beautiful job!
@matt_rost thanks buddy!!! Have become a big fan of TFH thanks to this puppy. Prefer the IH sizes but man this denim is kicking some ass
excited to see where you’re riders going…that’s a dream piece for me
@olblue Understand very well, I like Flat Head very much too, but the cuts... In my case, the chest width is always too small and the shoulders are too large. That is why it's even nicer when I see well-faded examples like yours.
@matt_rost I hear you on the sizing. Definitely fits more like a shirt. I like my slubby IH type 2 a lil bit better size wise (probably fits right over this one) but gives me an excuse to wear multiple jackets
@SamD holy hell! That thing is burning in to perfection
Update time -
@olblue Looks great!
@JunkPants thanks and cheers brother
@olblue in love with it
@SamD that’s some classy stuff here
@Mister_Brue it’s the wildest wabash I’ve ever seen. You’ve outdone it all mate
@denim-dawg thanks dawggy!
@olblue This is what I call indigo in its most beautiful shades
Month 9
@matt_rost appreciate that brother, it’s all downhill from here
that pale rider is lookin’ ace!