Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
IHC-14 Cap in Brown and/or Olive/Black
IHSW-57-NAV, with the same yellow print design, but purple rather than navy
IH-731 chinos in olive green
As I’m currently sweating, bring back the white wabash. Lol, ugh, Texas heat.
25oz 1955S
Make a 634 with slimmer legs i.e. a 633 copy
Change the arcuates or something so it's not the same
I bet my bottom dollar it will sell like hot cakes
we've given Self Edge exclusivity to the cut.
Change the cut then, make it 32" inseam only
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Was thinking the other day … Why Wabash fabric is always double indigo ? Is it a question of tradition and heritage or would it be possible to do a white weft, black weft, OD versions of wabash products ?
My thinking is that it is a nod to the way wabash (which pre-dates denim at least as a work wear fabric) was originally produced. They would print starch spots onto a fabric and then garment dye it in indigo, and the starch spots wouldn't take the dye, leaving behind the dotted pattern. So, being garment-dyed (or overdyed in IH parlance), it resembled what Haraki has created more than it would a white-wefted denim with dots on it.
What's interesting about Haraki's approach is that it is not a garment-dyed technique, it is rope dying warp and weft and using discharge dying (bleaching a dotted pattern). But it more reselmbles that original technique.
I think it's very clever.
Everything you're suggesting is possible, and I do think a fugitive overdye could be interesting on the fabric.
I'm not sure whether The Flat Head still makes Wabash shirts, but theirs are discharge dyed, white-wefted denim.