Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
I hope for lined shirts next fall, preferably in a nice block check colourway.
3/4 sleeve - later in the Spring
I wouldn't mind seeing an IH version of a 3/4 sleeved lightweight button up shirt.
It doesn't have to be quite so "sailor-y," but I had one of these when I was a kid. No stripes, but otherwise the same. I loved it. It made me feel like I just walked out of a Tom Waits song.
WTF?! Having worn one of these for 10 years, I can't imagine ever wearing one voluntarily. Why on Earth would you ever want to wear this in a social situation? There's historical significance to the cape on the jumper, but it's impractical now, and just a nod to our Naval heritage. I understand a lot of Naval inspired clothing such as the N-1, submarine sweaters, and flight jackets, but the Sailor jumper is beyond me.
I could see Mister Freedom rolling something like that out. I can't see myself wearing it though.
I think it is very safe to say that this won't happen, sorry @TrickHell
But Christophe would switch the cape part to chambray, add a leather trimmed handwarmer pocket, rotate the arm seams 90°, and make the whole thing three different shades of green. And somehow, the whole thing would still look less ridiculous than it does now…
And he would model it doing a cartwheel in front of a vintage car.
I don't think it looks ridiculous, but maybe that's because I've been around it so much over the years. When worn correctly, it's a very sharp looking uniform. The part that's really ridiculous is the flap on the trousers that's secured with 13 buttons. Such a pain when you have to pee. I hear that the new version coming out will have decorative buttons and be secured with zippers on both sides. Glad to see that change being made, but thankful I don't have to wear it anymore.
I don't like the cape, though I'd be curious to know the historical significance of it. What I LIKE about it is the good wool, the sideways chest pocket and the sleeves that unbutton.
I could see it streamlined without the cape, it would look pretty cool IMO.
A shirt made off the 2013 alpaca lining, it's light and warm.
A shawl collar pullover sweatshirt with pockets - would be a nice alternative to the regular hoodies and still casual if done in a similar fabric.
edit: saw that it's being made (first zip jacket in duck)