IHSH-62-ind - 12oz Wabash Western Shirt - Indigo
Another piece of advice that you might enjoy is more Bourbon and less beer. Sipping a bourbon instead of knocking back 2-3 beers will put less inches on the proverbial beer belly. I think I know that you’re a fan as well.
I drink all drinks at the same speed, spirits are therefore very dangerous….
haha this right here though…
Don’t want to get too off topic here,but @Giles On the occasions that I have seen you drink,it’s been beer or wine and you always seem to be imbibing at a sensible pace. Don’t have the impression that you chug or guzzle your drinks. Just out of curiosity are there any spirits that you’re especially fond of? @Oaktavia Been enjoying the Woodford Double Oaked lately.
@Oaktavia - this is my humble 2 cents as well.
I'm in a similar situation as you, waist-wise, and I'd size up and then give the XXL a warm-ish wash. I think you could also do with a little extra length there.
and since we veered O/T to Bourbon; Eagle Rare FTW
@Oaktavia - this is my humble 2 cents as well.
I'm in a similar situation as you, waist-wise, and I'd size up and then give the XXL a warm-ish wash. I think you could also do with a little extra length there.
and since we veered O/T to Bourbon; Eagle Rare FTW
I'm back and forth at this point
Mine gets me on the backside with the love handles
But honestly this is probably one of the best fitting shirts I’ve ever put on! -
One more thing @Oaktavia I forgot to say, I think the XL looks perfect on you, even in the belly. Isn't the whole dad bod thing still in? I forgot who said it, @jordanscollected maybe, but i've become a fan of unbuttoning my bottom button on a lot of my shirts recently. With me sitting in my car five hours most days it is way more comfortable and the shirt doesn't ride up as badly. Another reason I love my IH jackets, I can unzip from the bottom to achieve the same!
Looks great Brenden. And the body length, though long in most, is perfect on you. Wabash is a really nice hefty fabric.
Love handles?
Ive got love railings:) -
@Smiladon haha
thank you for the validation man. Also your shirt looks most excellent. Are you going to enter the fading contest?
@dinobarnesberlin -
@Smiladon haha
thank you for the validation man. Also your shirt looks most excellent. Are you going to enter the fading contest?
I guess I probably will, just cuz I happen to have a shirt, but with a new born coming in March, I'm expecting a lot of bodily fluids all over everything I'm wearing so a lot of washing. I can usually get away with a lot of wears on a shirt before it just reeks horribly
Maybe it can just be a work shirt
If my wabash CPO is any kind of indicator, I can expect some excellent fades with this IHSH-62! All I can ever think of is Kang's Wabash, a thing of beauty -
Looks great Brenden. And the body length, though long in most, is perfect on you. Wabash is a really nice hefty fabric.
Thanks! I was always coming back to this shirt because the measurements just looked tailor made for me, so I pulled the trigger, even with already having the CPO version
The CPO is my favorite shirt, so why not have two of my favorite shirts -
Im super happy this shirt is getting a bunch of love lately.
We have awhile left here of cold/cool weather. Luckily (?) i don't enough IH shirts to put the Wabash away for long.
That looks great @jordanscollected
I know I’ll be wearing the hell out of mine for the foreseeable future
Got a little dirty in it yesterday, getting a car out if a ditch. Alright, if you must know, getting MY car out if a ditch