IHxIF-01 - Iron Heart x Indigofera Friendship Blanket
Brilliant. The colorway/print work so well
front AND back. This Bjorn Atldax is no joke
I absolutely love this. The art is amazing. Cats would have it tattered in a week
@WhiskeySandwich same issue here
But still really tempted to. Beautiful piece of art
I have an IF blanket (a Wes Lang colab) and my cats love it for sleeping but don't try to destroy it at all. (Unlike my sofa or chairs)
Ofcourse I don't know your cats @WhiskeySandwich and @PJ but I think you might be safe. Also these are the best constructed and warmest blankets I've ever seen / owned. -
@scarfmace thx for the info. Appreciate it
just ordered from @Iron-Heart-Germany
could not resist -
That is a mighty fine blanket. Very cool indeed. Will you ever sell the carry strap separately?
Always love nature's miracle fabric, and mind blown about IH and INDIGOFERA collab. I hope and pray this is the start of a beautiful friendship.
@Daniel-San You won't regret it, you're more likely to argue with the wife about who gets to use the blanket on the couch in the evening....
I had planned to pick it up at Brund today but for the first time my wife put down a veto. She found it absolutely outrageous horrible and no way it would ever enter our living room. Well sometimes you gotta choose your battles and before I could come up with something she said she would much rather prefer me to pick up the IH corderoy shirts dropping next week . Happy wife happy life right
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