Where does everyone live?
HELLO, I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia
Yap, a lot people in Indonesia are addicted to denim. But Iron Heart not too popular in here.
slmt datang!
West coast y'all.
Vancouver, BC and Point Roberts, WAHell ya, Islander. I lived the San Juan's for a couple years. It doesn't get much better.
Hi everyone. Been lurking the forums for a while now but finally joined and made it official. Staying out here in southern Cali. San Diego. Pics to come once I figure out how to do that.
just upload the pic(s) to tinypic.com, under resize select "Message board".
After the upload, just select the "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" and paste the link here.
those are fantastic…
btw, i'm also Indonesian...
haha, itung2 promosi negara kita ke orang asing