Where does everyone live?
hello. delighted to be joining this forum. many friendly and interesting people. introduced. My name zendeen. My real name is Bhisma Setia Diandra. you can call me Bhisma.I lived in Indonesia, specifically in the capital city of Jakarta which is similar to Kikuchi. Indonesia is a country that has many islands and vast oceans. where there are two seasons, summer season and rainy season. and jakarta is an area with a lot of people and the congestion that often occurs when the time came home from work.
There are few images of Indonesia and Jakarta
National Monumental of Jakarta
cityscape of Jakarta. Bundaran HIcheers
Nice, I am really impressed. I think no one can provide such a nice info about this.
Toronto, Canada by way of Liverpool, England. New to artisanal denim and wanted to start with the best so here I am.
Live in the 'burbs of Philadelphia. Work out of Center City and NYC.
Welcome all!!!
Welcome doomtop! Like the name. Vermont eh? Snow up there? Glad to have you!!!