IHSH-72 - Ultra Heavy Buffalo Check Western Shirts
Thata boy jr lol
please if anyone has a green in xl 4 sale email me asap i some how didnt get one deandelray@yahoo.com
please if anyone has a green in xl 4 sale email me asap i some how didnt get one deandelray@yahoo.com
Ok, if G can't get it for you, you can also try proxying from Japan directly. This store appears to have the green XL in stock: http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/craft-ac/ihsh72g.html They don't deal with international buyers, need to use a proxy service from Japan if you are interested.
I'd use tenso for proxying.
Any experiences with Tenso so far?
I proxied a dry bones flannel from rakuten and used tenso to ship; haven't gotten it yet but it's in customs and I'm sure it'll work out just fine. Was about 30 bucks for shipping so not too bad, but they have a deal where it's half off if you order between now and Christmas or something along those lines.
I've used Sutocorp a bunch and have had no issues.
Hey Alex1976, did you size one up? I thought you have the IHSH-20 in red as well, no?
^^ top=FH down=SH72
left=FH right=SH72
^^ FH
^^ SH72
^^ FH
^^ SH72
FH vs SH72…..both great shirts-the FH is little bit lighter and thinner but minimal but the SH 72 is much warmer:-)FH HNW-52W Red weights 0,6 kg (The fabric is woven on a vintage loom and therefore has a very three dimensional pattern due to the loom and also the extra heavy gauge of thread)
100% COTTON selvedge flannel
SH 72 weights 0,8 kg (Fabric single brushed on face, and double brushed on reverse)
fit pics stolen from the selfedge.com
Peace -
Many thanks for doing an awesome comparison there Alex. By looking at the pics its almost the same shirt BUT totally 2 different beast i suppose...
Was always intrigued by the flat heads heavy shirt and your pics helps me a lot and I do like the weave pattern on the FH...